Eskrima Kali Arnis

Filipino Martial Arts

Welcome to this page about the Filipino martial arts of Eskrima, Kali, and Arnis, and training in Kent, UK.

Train Eskrima

Train Eskrima in Kent, UK

Arnis National Sport of the Philipines

Sport Arnis, also known Stick Fighting, or as Eskrima or Kali, is the national sport of the Phillipines.

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Knife and Bladed Weapon Defence

Filipino martial arts are known for their practical solutions to knife and bladed weapon defence, which have been adopted by many police and military organisations.

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Panantukan - Filipino 'Boxing'

Filipino 'Boxing'/'Panantukan' is the amalgamation of traditional Filipino martial arts and western boxing, it utilises punches, bare-fist, elbows, headbutts, knees and kicking techniques.

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Dumog - Grappling and Locking

Filipino martial arts also use grappling techniques such as off balancing, throws/take-downs, and joint manipulation and locking. Dumog is the generalised name often given to Filipino grappling.

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Stick Fighting

Eskrima is most often associated with stick fighting and has stick fighting techniques based on real world scenarios, alongside the sport aspect.

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Double and Improvised Weapons

Filipino martial arts utilise a number of double and/or improvised weapons.

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