Welcome to this page about the Filipino martial arts of Eskrima, Kali, and Arnis.
Stick fighting ('Arnis') is the national martial art and sport of the Philippines. Stick fighting is a full contact sport, based on the duels or 'death matches' of the past. Escrima is actually derided from the word 'esgrime', which is the Spanish word for fencing. However Eskrima or Arnis matches are much more dynamic with full on non-stop action. For protection contestants wear armour, gloves, and a head guard and fight full contact with sticks made from rattan cane. Other forms of competition include padded stick fighting in which a padded stick is utilised instead of rattan and minimal protective gear is worn, combatants usually only wear headguards for these matches.
Bouts usually consist of three rounds of one minutes, athough sometimes round length differs, for some forms of competition a single round of two minutes is utilised. Bouts are scored using the ten point system similar to boxing and mixed martial arts. Point are deducted for being disarmed by your opponent or for dropping your stick. In most forms of the competition punching and kicking is not permited, although 'checking' or pushing is allowed.
Competition is useful to experience the adrenaline and emotions that occur a real life fight, but with some rules and equipment to prevent serious injury. Real life blows with a heavy rattan stick and without armour can lead to broken boned and even death. The nature of the sport ensures a balance between the adrenaline and danger of a real life encounter and the safety of a controlled sport. Participants can still sometime experience bruises, welts, and other impact injuries even with armout but serious injuries are prevented.